


Mouse anti Bovine WC1 antibody, clone IL-A29, recognizes the WC1 an antigen present on the surface of CD4- CD8-, gamma/delta TcR+ bovine T lymphocytes. WC1 molecules are transmembrane glycoproteins belonging to the scavenger receptor cysteine-rich family and uniquely expressed on gamma/delta T cells. The antibody immunoprecipitates molecules of 215kDa and 300kDa from resting and activated lymphocytes. The antigen is more prevalent on the gamma/delta T cells of immature animals.

This product is currently out of stock. Expected availability: 4th Quarter 2024


Species Reactivity: Bovine
Source: ILRI clone A29
Specificity: Bovine WC1
Isotype: IgG1


Flow Cytometry: indirect staining of bovine CD4- CD8-, gamma/delta TcR+ T lymphocytes to visualise WC1 antigen.

Purchase NEAH-3029

This product is currently out of stock. Expected availability: 4th Quarter 2024

Antibody References:

“Wijngaard PL, et al. 1992. Molecular characterization of the WC1 antigen expressed specifically on bovine CD4-CD8- gamma delta T lymphocytes. J. Immunol. 149: 3273-3277.

Morrison WI, et al. 1988. A monoclonal antibody which reacts specifically with a population of bovine lymphocytes lacking B cell and T cell markers. In: Morrison WI, et al., Histophysiology of the immune system: the life history, organization and interactions of its cell populations. New YorkPlenumpp. 591-596.”

Questions about this product?

Contact Bill Golde, Chief Science Officer at New England Animal Health: